Top Common Dental Problems

Dental Excellence
3 min readMay 26, 2022

Most common dental problems can be prevented. All it takes is brushing twice a day, flossing daily, having a healthy diet and regular dental check-ups.

Educating yourself about common dental problems can also go a long way in prevention.

Bad Breath

Bad Breath (halitosis) can be embarrassing. A Dental condition is to blame in about 85% of people who suffer with persistent bad breath.
Mouthwash only masks the odour caused by these problems.

This may include:
— Gum Disease
— Cavities
— Oral Cancer
— Dry Mouth
— Bacteria on the tongue.

bad breath

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay (cavities) is the second most common dental problem.

Tooth Decay occurs when plaque combines with sugars and/or starches in the food you eat. You can get tooth decay at any age, not just in children.
Aging plus normal enamel erosion can cause tooth decay, as well as dry mouth due to age, illness, or medications.

The best way to prevent tooth decay is by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and having regular dental check-ups.
As well as this, eating healthy foods and avoiding high-sugar snacks and drinks can help with prevention.

tooth decay 3D illustration

Gum (Periodontal) Disease

Gum Disease is an infection in the gums around your teeth. It’s also one of the main causes of adult tooth loss.
Everyone is at risk of gum disease, but it is most common after the age of 30. Social factors such as smoking is also a significant risk factor.
Diabetes and dry mouth are amongst the medical conditions that also increase your risk.

The symptoms:
— Bad breath
— Red, Swollen or bleeding gums
— Sensitive teeth
— Pain when chewing

Regular check-ups, brushing and flossing can prevent them.

gum disease

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity is a common problem. It affects millions of people.

Sensitivity involves pain or discomfort from:
— Sweets
— Cold air
— Hot drinks
— Cold Drinks
— Ice Cream

Sensitive teeth can make it painful to brush and floss, but Sensitive teeth can be treated. Sensitivity can be a sign of cracked or an abscessed tooth which are in need of being treated by a dentist.

tooth sensitivity

Unattractive Smile

An unattractive smile isn’t technically a “dental problem.” But it is a major reason some people go to the dentist. Not Liking your smile can be hard on your self-esteem. Luckily, with today’s tools and techniques, it’s often fixable.

Cosmetic changes may include:

— Teeth Whitening
— Dental Implants
— Invisalign (Clear Aligners)
— Veneers
— Crowns & Bridges
— Cosmetic Bonding

Contact us to find out more & to book your dental check-up!

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